
Hogwarts legacy steam probleme
Hogwarts legacy steam probleme

hogwarts legacy steam probleme

If increasing the dedicated VRAM wasn't enough to resolve the error, you should optimize the game settings next. If the available VRAM isn't sufficient, you can also fake the VRAM increase, which may fix the error under discussion. Therefore, we don't recommend going this route. It is more likely to happen if the power-saving mode is enabled on your device. The process is simple, but there is a catch Windows sometimes overrides software settings. One way to do so is by forcing the game to use the dedicated GPU from your graphics software. Therefore, force the game to always use the dedicated GPU.

hogwarts legacy steam probleme hogwarts legacy steam probleme

Possibly, it's using your integrated GPU, whose specifications aren't that high, thus resulting in the error. If you're experiencing the error despite having a GPU with higher specs than required, chances are that Hogwarts Legacy is not using it. If the above fixes don't help, proceed to the next fix. Turn off overclocking if you are using your GPU at an overclocked setting.Close other graphics-hungry processes that are running alongside Hogwarts Legacy.Restart Steam or any other client you are using to play the game.First off, apply some preliminary fixes, which may resolve the issue quickly:

Hogwarts legacy steam probleme